popular amongst the listeners of EDM music
popular amongst the listeners of EDM music
Other music types that are extremely popular amongst the listeners of EDM music are very randomly composed musical pieces like ‘best beat drops’ or motivational study music or upbeat gym music. This kind of music usually do not have any singing in them and if they do, it is usually only a couple of words being repeated at various places throughout the song. These are simply just instrumentals without the use of any real instruments (how ironic, yet beautiful). The entire composing is done on a laptop with the use of a software that allows the composers to play with the beats and add, remove or increase a beat from a certain place of the song. These platforms have gotten very famous and have started to roll out their own collections of best musical pieces they have produced over a time period. For example, trap nation has videos on YouTube showing their ‘2021 best trap music’, ‘Year mix 2015- 2016’ and so on. These videos contain the best music pieces created by the platform over a span.
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